Welcome To Flight X Facility Program

Inspired By SPACE X

The Next Big Thing

We are a group of leading space enthusiasts and passionate with dedicated souls leaving for Science. We beleive that humans and space were always interlinked into a fabric of space and time , for making us travel across the universe.
Thus, We here promise to make your dream come true.
You are going to witness the most important event in the history of universe.
Let us fly all together and make this happen !

Embark on a Journey to a new home

A journey from earth to mars will take about 100 days on average.

Fly to Mars

Exciting journey back home

A journey from mars to earth will take about 120 days on average.

Fly to Earth

For our Premium passengers

We consider our passengers premium who have travelled atleast 3 times with us and we have offers for you.

Check Eligibility